Timing is everything, why COVID had to be released late last year – The conspiracy continues…

The last component of the plan and the hardest to implement is how to get both ends of the radicalized spectrums infected and controlled at the same time.

The Election, Daylight Savings and Halloween Candy… I mean really this literally writes itself. Now if I could only write.

But first,

Before Edmonton was ‘testing central’ there was Port Arthur Ontario. It’s July 1 1908 and the first test in the World of Daylight Savings Time. (What we’re ‘saving’ is up for debate)

By United Cigar Stores Company (sponsor); artist unknown – Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, WWI Posters, LC-USZC4-10663 (color film copy transparency),uncompressed archival TIFF version (60 MB), Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1783933

Again, I have to ask, ‘Why Canada?’ Surely to god there are other places that can be testing centres? This mystery is yet unsolved.

And on that fateful morning in 1908 we heard the words that are now echoed world wide, in languages too numerous to list, ‘This is fucking stupid.” And no it wasn’t a reference to cousins having relations. An extract from Wikipedia on how DST became a major tool for businesses:

In the mid-1980s, Clorox and 7-Eleven provided the primary funding for the Daylight Saving Time Coalition behind the 1987 extension to U.S. DST. Both senators from IdahoLarry Craig and Mike Crapo, voted for it based on the premise that fast-food restaurants sell more French fries during DST, which are made from Idaho potatoes.[76] taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylight_saving_time#History

But it is the last date change for the time change that impacts our meandering through this misadventure in conspiracy, again from our fiends at Wiki:

From year to year, the dates on which to change clock may also move for political or social reasons. The Uniform Time Act of 1966 formalized the United States’ period of daylight saving time observation as lasting six months (it was previously declared locally); this period was extended to seven months in 1986, and then to eight months in 2005.[55][56][57] The 2005 extension was motivated in part by lobbyists from the candy industry, seeking to increase profits by including Halloween (October 31) within the daylight saving time period.[58] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylight_saving_time#History

And so we have a president, George W Bush passing the Energy act of 2005, giving trick or treaters the extra hours of daylight needed to ingest more sugar…cuz kids are important…

In the throws of our pentulement action, the conclusion of the collusion of control that has been underway with COVID, it falls on Halloween and the US Election to have the greatest impact. And all those years ago it started with Daylight savings time, in Ontario, that’s planning, Doug Ford.

The rest of this tragic tale of control is simple and straightforward.

People suffering from adjusting their circadian rhythm’s from daylight savings time, generally jacked up on candy, caffeine and COVID containment measures are going to vote in the US. The expectation is the highest voter turnout in years.

So now, dear friends, the simple matter of how the chemicals, additives and crspr concoctions will be ingested by the masses.

For the electronic voting system the ingestion of control substances is straight forward. Each voting machine is cleaned between use, with government sanctioned sterilized products, that contain the reagent for controlling humanity.

As for paper ballots – ballots have to be produced somewhere, and somewhere is a chad hanging on for you to touch it. or more specifically the ballot.

The radicalization of both the right and left is complete from the control of social media. After all, being contained during COVID, social media is all that we have to do.

I suggest you read the following article from the NYTIMES this past April…

As previously mentioned, The Netflix documentary The Social Dilemma

You can see how it’s all coming together, this Utopia of ours. We are doomed and it’s Halloween tonight, the perfect night to be doomed on.

Be Well…dcd

A Conspiracy Theory in homage to the British TV Series Utopia – A Long Blog Post Title Entry

With the release of the US Netflix take on Utopia I was drawn back to my memories of the British TV series of the same name. Although the show was too gory for me, I did watch it all, captivated by the cleverness. Genius work in my opinion. But I’m easily impressed. I would argue it is one of the least appreciated tv series of all time. Yes, it’s that good, if you can get past the blood and guts.

Today’s entry is a short conspiracy theory for your consumption. No, not the disease consumption.

The basis of the conspiracy is of course the world order that controls us all and the current COVID pandemic.

Consider the following.

All the free donated masks, millions, perhaps billions by the time COVID is over or controlled or vaccinated against, are made in China or the US. Or a subsidiary of a company controlled by a large multi national. Further they are all made to the same standard. Each and everyone has a micro dose of a reagent in it. Can I prove this to your satisfaction? Doubtful. But you can prove it to your self.

The first component of the drug is inert and simply takes up residency in the muscle tissue of us all, building up with each disposable mask we put on. No noticeable side effects, or any effects for that matter. Fine.

Wave two or the second wave of COVID. Really?

Have you ever thought why there would be a second wave? Doesn’t it make more sense the infection would be constant, dependent on contact and spread? Why would it stop? There is no vaccine, there is no treatment, there is no herd immunity. The second wave is to get us to wear the second wave of masks. To get us to inhale the second component. More masks.

I’m going to digress slightly here. Bare with me. World wide we are all wearing masks. Why don’t we wear them every year with the seasonal flu? Are the 650,000 people who die to respiratory illness related to the flu not worth it? We all know COVID is deadlier than the flu. But think, if we wore masks during flu season. Think of the savings to health care systems world wide. The decrease in long term hospitalizations alone would save billions.

Have you figured out why we don’t wear masks yet every year? Neither have I. There is no good reason not to. Cheap health care. We should have been doing this for decades…we’re idiots.

The flu deaths, I would note, follow a similar profile to COVID: elderly or a pre-existing condition. Not the young, not the healthy. Oddly enough it is the young and healthy who threaten the world order the most. They are not controllable it seems. The last thing the WO (World Order) needs is a group of independent people who are free thinkers. People who use the existing systems for their own purposes. They who don’t vote, and more importantly don’t consume mass market products. These are the people who listen to podcasts of like minded souls, they like bespoke products. Or hell, make their own products. And they live in society. They are not the ‘off the grid’ whack a moles. THEY are becoming society.

A society that is mindful.

You may think it funny for me to say ‘they don’t vote’. But if you don’t get what you want, why vote? Their experience with voting resulted in nothing tangible for them. So why vote? There are other ways to game the system, to get what they want. Their numbers are growing. Simply look at the increase in the number of podcasts or micro breweries. The number has exploded over the last 10 years.

Jumping back to ‘why masks now, try and keep up. The highest levels, of the WO are under attack. In general the richest people can’t hide anymore. Reasons for this in my opinion:

  1. Too brazen, some of the elite have just decided it doesn’t matter to keep the secret any more. Too rich to care about the masses. After all what can the masses do? You only need to look at 45’s tax bill to realize this. You do the math. The turmoil in the middle east power structures is another example. The, ‘ I’ll just kill you ‘ mentality. And this is between their own elite with nothing the lesser of the elites can do about it. Three letters MSB.
  2. Lost control of the media. Everyone is a reporter now. The People are the Media. No hidden death squads, or people who disappear.
  3. Rebels in their midst. Altruistic members of the WO wanting change. Whose conscious is over burdened with guilt and can’t be killed. Because they are part of the media, part of the people.
  4. They’ve gotten sloppy. Gone is the cold war era of careful planning. Corrupted by their own wealth, they no longer need to hide.

Edmonton, Alberta Canada is known throughout consumerism as the perfect test market. McDonalds tests there, everyone tests there. And low and behold, little old Edmonton had it’s first race riot ever. Spontaneously two groups met in a the same parking lot and the police had to be called in. Never happened before. Never, ever. Except after a Hockey game…odd…

Anyway, they all were wearing masks at the start, masks that had just arrived, new disposable masks. Freshly handed out. The test of the delivery system containing the second reagent was a success.

Be well…dcd.